Monday, March 21, 2011

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Green, John and David Levithan. Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Dutton: New York, 2010. ISBN: 9780525421580.

Both Will Graysons are high school juniors in the suburbs of Chicago. Due to a series of interesting events that involve the teen heart, love and some hormones, the Will Graysons meet at a porn shop in Chicago. Neither of their lives are the same by the end of the story. Being gay in high school can be difficult, but so can being friends with gay students. One Will Grayson is gay and the other straight and both perspectives are explored. Most teenagers' lives revolve around their friends and the Wills are no exception. Enter Tiny, who is anything but. Tiny is important to both Wills in completely different ways, yet the change in each character is similar.

Told in alternating first person, this is a great read. Laugh out loud funny and touching at the same time. Many parents will object to the language used, but as the parent of teenagers, I can tell you it is authentic. One of the best aspects of this story is the realistic portrayal of family life. These kids are the products of normal homes. Parents who are divorced and hurting and parents who want to connect, but are unsure how. The book has two authors, but the plot is seamless. Each Will's voice is original and believable. Fans of realistic fiction and coming of age stories will love this book.

Reader's Annotation:
Life is not a spectator sport.

Bibliotherapeutic Uses:
Teens who put on a tough exterior will relate to Will's rules of shut up and don't get involved. It may be the safe way to play it, but it will leave you lonely and bored! Also gay and lesbian students will enjoy seeing other homosexual students accepted and successful in school.

Coming of Age, Realistic Fiction

Why I Included This Book:
This book was required for class. It also came across my desk to catalog a few months back. The title intrigued me and the fact that two authors collaborated.

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