Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Adornetto, Alexandra. Halo. Feiwel and Friends: 2010. ISBN: 9780312656263.

Bethany, Ivy and Gabriel arrive on earth one night just before dawn. Ivy and Gabriel have done this before, but this is Bethany first time and she is very young for an angel, only 17 earth years old. Gabriel is an archangel who is part of the Holy Seven and has been around forever. Wise Ivy is a seraphim, which is an order who is closest to God. Right away Bethany struggles with her humanity. Initially, it is why she was chosen for this mission. Enter Xavier, when he is around Bethany cannot think straight, she is smitten immediately, not exactly proper behavior for a heavenly angel.

This is a basic story about good versus evil with bits of Twilight thrown in. The author describes Xavier's physical appearance and Bethany's desire for him in much the same way Stephenie Meyer describes Edward and Bella. Bits of high school drama and explanations about angels round out the story. Written in first person we get an interesting view of what it is like to be an angel in human form. At times Bethany seems to be much more human than heavenly. The ending is a definite set up for a second book, with the title of Hades, it is easy to assume where the next book is headed.

Reader's Annotation:
For Bethany, heaven can wait.

Bibliotherapeutic Uses:
The high school experience is not always positive for every teen. Reading about characters who face their fears and stand up to evil can be enlightening and instructive.


Why I Include This Book:
This book has had a lot of buzz and was on the New York Times Bestseller List.

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